Tai Chi: Dental Care The Gentle Way
Tai chi is a graceful martial art that can have many benefits for your dental health. Not only is it great exercise, but it also has the potential to reduce stress and anxiety, boosting your immune system. Professionals of dental emergencies in San Diego will agree and likely recommend that you do this exercise, or similar ones, for a healthier tooth and gum health. With all its benefits, this ancient form of exercise is definitely one that you should consider!
What Is Tai Chi?
Tai Chi is an ancient form of exercise that can reduce stress and anxiety while boosting your immune system. Tai Chi also helps improve flexibility while increasing mobility, improving your posture, and getting you in shape overall. There are many different styles associated with this martial art, including Yang style, Wudang style, Chen style, Sunpu style, and Wu style. One of the most common forms is the Yang style.
There are many different possible health benefits associated with Tai Chi, including reducing your blood pressure and heart rate and increasing your bone density and muscle mass. Because of this, there is a large number of people that find themselves drawn to this form of exercise. Though Tai Chi might not be very strenuous compared to other types of workouts, it can still help improve your cardiovascular health as well as boost your metabolism.
In addition to all these benefits, there are several ways practicing Tai Chi can help improve your dental health!
Benefits Of Tai Chi For Your Teeth And Gums
Let’s look into the benefits of Tai Chi for your overall dental health.
Reduces Stress, Anxiety, And Tension
When you are feeling anxious or stressed out, do you find yourself clenching your jaw? Do you even notice that your teeth might be clenched when you are in deep thought or concentrating on other things? This is very common and can lead to the development of symptoms like tooth pain, tension headaches, and even migraines. Fortunately, Tai Chi has been proven to reduce stress and anxiety; practicing this martial art can help break the habit of clenching your teeth while also lowering your heart rate.
Increases Bone Density
Having denser bones might not seem like it would benefit your dental health, but consider this: as you age, your bones naturally become more brittle. If you have denser bones as a result of practicing Tai Chi, however, your risk for developing osteoporosis is greatly reduced. With stronger bones and healthier teeth, those with osteoporosis are less likely to develop cavities or suffer from loose teeth.
Increases Muscle Mass
When you have more muscle mass, your body also becomes more efficient at using oxygen. Because of this increase in efficiency, those that practice Tai Chi tend to breathe better – which is a great benefit for dental health! In addition to improving how well you breathe, increased muscle mass can also help improve the strength and endurance of your teeth and gums. This means that you will be less likely to suffer from toothaches or gum disease. Not only does this make your smile stronger but it can even help prevent conditions like arthritis.
Improves Immunity
A strong immune system is extremely important for both dental health as well as overall wellness. Having a strong immunity is not only going to help protect against common illnesses but it will also help your body fight off harmful bacteria that can attack the gums and teeth. Due to this benefit, you will be less likely to develop cavities or experience tooth pain while also reducing your risk for other conditions like gum disease.
Tips For Getting Started With Tai Chi
If you’re interested in getting started with Tai Chi, but don’t know where to begin, here are some helpful tips!
1) Find a Place That Offers Classes – If there’s no Tai Chi class available at your local gym or community center then find an instructor who offers classes online. The internet has made finding people from around the world easier than ever before so take advantage of this. There are even some popular YouTube channels where you can find free videos to help get you started.
2) Ask Friends – If you have friends who practice Tai Chi already, ask if they could recommend a good class or teacher. You could even invite them along with you so that both of you can learn together.
3) Find an Instructor – If there are no classes available near you then just pick up a book. There are many instructional books on Tai Chi available online and at your local library. Once you’ve gotten yourself familiar with the basics just do it all by yourself.
4) Connect With Others – Tai Chi is meant to be social, so try making it part of your daily routine to connect with others! Gather some friends and start a class together or just do it at different times so that you can share this experience. You don’t have to learn everything alone when there are many resources available.
5) Get A Tai Chi Partner – If you still can’t get a hold of any books, instructional videos, or other resources then consider getting a partner. Not only does body contact add another element to this form of exercise (which is already social), but it also helps your practice by catching your mistakes and correcting them. As you train with this person you’ll be able to take what they’ve taught you and use it on your own while continuing to improve over time!
Final Thoughts
There are many ways that practicing Tai Chi can improve your dental health. Not only does it offer physical benefits like strengthening bones and increasing muscle mass; but it also provides mental benefits like reducing stress and anxiety. Because of all these potential benefits, you should consider adding this exercise to your daily routine!